James Yuill je 26 lety hudebnik z Londyna, ktery vystoupi letos na Melt! festivalu (2009). Jeho hudba neni nijak narocna, prijemna elektronika mixla s folkem a indie. Myslim, ze by jeho vystoupeni bude dobry.
Solovka Dana Friela, clena me oblibene kapely Parts & Labor. Vubec jsem netusila, ze neco vydava i jinak, nez pod nalepkou Parts & Labor, az do te doby, nez jsem ho mela v recommended artists na last.fm :) Jde o experimentalni noise, jak se dalo cekat.
I like Pomegranates. Joe likes Pomegranates. Everyone should like Pomegranates. The album Everybody, Come Outside!, the new sophomore offering from Cincinnati art-pop quartet Pomegranates, hits stores worldwide April 14th on Lujo Records.
Jan brings the influences of his parents – a cinematographer and child therapist – to his work. His focus on the visual representation of childhood, 'Child-History' and concepts of 'Playing', come from his teacher training course and he combines these theories with his personal experience and childhood memories. Inspired by classic childhood books as well as modern superheroes, he produces ‘Dreams of Flying’ since 2002 with children from his local neighbourhood in South West Germany – ongoing!
"Andy Warhol would have loved Lissy Trullie: Not only does she boast deadly downtown looks -- striking, model thin and with a penchant for bowler hats -- she's got the attitude and serious songwriting chops to match. Her dangerously cool tunes, which mash up dancey new wave, '60's girl-group sounds and the softer side of the Velvet Underground, hit upon the core aloofness that typifies most great New York rock. Simply put, Trullie's magnetism is the kind that can't be learned." -TIME OUT NEW YORK
The frazzled and fractured electronic rhythms of Brooklyn noisemakers Black Dice are bent into shape once again on this fifth studio album from the band. The album, titled Repo, is comprised of home recordings and sessions from New York’s Rare Book Room studios. It’s another fine example of Black Dice’s singular aesthetic, which has been carefully honed through years of equipment abuse in low rent venues, art galleries and other improvised performance spaces.