NILS FRAHM - Screws (2012)
Berlin composer Nils Frahm released Screws via Erased Tapes in 2012. The curious thing is a nine digits work because he broke his thumb but it didn’t mean to take a break. Free download here:
It has inspired lot of other artists to create remixes of his tracks, so there is a website dedicated to Nils Frahm's reworks:

Short film (15-minutes) directed by my favorite director Kristoffer Borgli.
Whateverest is a documentary about the unlikely inspiration behind a dance tune produced by Todd Terje called "Inspector Norse". "Inspector Norse" is the internet alias of Marius Solem Johansen, a failed musician living in a small town, producing dance videos and drug recipes for YouTube.
Muž, který sází stromy
Kamaradi postavili v Africe skolu, v oblasti Kedjom-Keku, Kamerun. Behem podzimu tam nataceli dokument, maji natoceno asi 120 hodin materialu, takze se tim ted musi prokousat. Tady je ukazka :)
Zde je presny misto:
Pokud by Vas zajimalo vice o tom, proc a co tam kamaradi delaji, navstivte jejich web: http://kedjom-keku.com/cs/
Ja sama se tam chystam jet jako pani ucitelka nebo aspon na tri mesice jako host.
BTW Muz ktery sazel stromy je jednim z mych nejoblibenejsich pribehu a toto je jeho dalsim zivym alternativnim pribehem v africe. Verim, ze takovyhle pribehu je na svete mnohem vic a jsem rada, ze jsem mohla objevit diky svym kamaradum tento :)
The taxi driver has stolen my wonderful bag with my life in it. I had my laptop there, camera, mobile phone, ipod, lot of clothes, id's, personal stuff and quite some money. It was right after going home from the show we organized - gig of Why? and I was given a LP WHY? and got a bit too much drunk and woke up next day only with this LP in bed. My only words left were WHY????
Of course the taxi driver knew where i live, had all my id's and contacts, that's the thing he didnt give me back anything. The worst (if i could judge) was to loose laptop - i had all my photos, music, videos, ideas, documents etc there...mostly (90%) without any backups.. at least the year 2012. Year 2012 has been stolen from my life.
That makes it a bit more difficult to choose the best bits from it cos i dont have anything left...I have to use last.fm scrobbles and memory.
:::::My top 2012::::::
1. Lindstrøm - Smallhans
cosmic dance that maintains an earthy humanity
2. Ty Segall - Twins
the San Francisco garage-rocker
3. Beach House - Bloom
two people from Baltimore
4. Islands - A Sleep & a Forgetting
most lyrically direct and naked
5. Breakbot - By Your Side
soft porn soundtracks and carefree sha-la-las
To be continued....maybe
Of course the taxi driver knew where i live, had all my id's and contacts, that's the thing he didnt give me back anything. The worst (if i could judge) was to loose laptop - i had all my photos, music, videos, ideas, documents etc there...mostly (90%) without any backups.. at least the year 2012. Year 2012 has been stolen from my life.
That makes it a bit more difficult to choose the best bits from it cos i dont have anything left...I have to use last.fm scrobbles and memory.
:::::My top 2012::::::
1. Lindstrøm - Smallhans
cosmic dance that maintains an earthy humanity
2. Ty Segall - Twins
the San Francisco garage-rocker
3. Beach House - Bloom
two people from Baltimore
Beach House - Other People (Unofficial Video) from daniel on Vimeo.
4. Islands - A Sleep & a Forgetting
most lyrically direct and naked
5. Breakbot - By Your Side
soft porn soundtracks and carefree sha-la-las
To be continued....maybe
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